Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Our Pledge and Anthem

Reid here.

It's the last week of school. A Wednesday, so two more days.  I join my two boys and wife for chapel. Chapel kicks off another school day in the usual way at CAC: a few minutes to sing to our God, to talk with Him, and to each other about Him.  Good stuff.

And chapel ends in the usual way.

"I pledge allegiance
To the flag
Of the United States of America
And to the republic,
For which it stands:
One nation,
Under God,
With liberty and justice for all."

*small break*

"Oo-oh say can you see
By the dawn's early light... "

Then it hits me: "This is the last time for a couple of years that I'll say the Pledge of Allegiance and sing our national anthem..., in America, with my fellow Americans."

I took the moment in, looking around at all the people, singing with them, and singing to them.

On the drive to work, I said the Pledge and sang the Anthem to myself again, reliving the moment that had just passed, and thinking about the words I had said and sang.  As I prepare to head off to another country where the flag I'll see flying will not be the "Red, White & Blue," I count myself blessed to be an American, and will miss her while I'm gone. (But not so much that we're not going, because Japan's flag is red and white, and two out of three ain't bad.)

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